One company is advancing internet connection technology with the development of Li-Fi, a connection said to be 100 times faster than Wi-fi, according to Mashable.

The company, Velmenni, recently took its 2011 development out into real world settings, testing the Li-Fi in industrial environments and offices in Estonia, according to Science Alert.

So how is it different? The main difference between tradiational Wi-Fi and Velmenni's new technology is in its ability to travel out and its format. Wi-Fi signals can travel through walls, but Li-Fi is emitted from a light bulb flickering at speed indiscernible to the human eye. Because Li-Fi is light, it cannot penetrate walls, making it more limited than its more familiar counterpart. However, that limitation is balanced by a big boost in speed. When tested, the Li-Fi was able to reach whopping speeds of up to 224 Gbps. Not only that, but the new tech is considered safer, since the limitations of the light automatically provide a more closed of connection.

"Currently we have designed a smart lighting solution for an industrial environment where the data communication is done through light," Velmenni CEO Deepak Solanki told the International Business Times U.K. "We are also doing a pilot project with a private client where we are setting up a Li-Fi network to access the internet in their office space."