John Boyega's Finn has been a focal point of the marketing campaign for Lucasfilm's "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." But if we're being honest, he's kind of taken a backseat to Daisy Ridley's Rey. That's why we're excited to see him front-and-center (and with Han Solo!) in "The Force Awakens'" new TV spot.

The new footage doesn't spoil any major storylines, but it does give us a better look at Finn. Based on his comments, it sounds as if he's been with The First Order for quite some time before defecting and joining up with Rey, BB-8 and Han. Accepting this new and important journey in life that includes lightsabers brings immediate callbacks to Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy.

While it's still unconfirmed whether or not Finn is Force-sensitive, all signs point to him becoming the next Jedi in "The Force Awakens." He does have Anakin and Luke's classic blue lightsaber, after all. Plus, he's going head-to-head with Stormtroopers and Kylo Ren. Seems like a pretty Jedi-esque thing to do.

On top of all that, there's the clear homage to the original trilogy at the 25-second mark when Finn is in the gunner's seat of the Millenium Falcon, yelling in gleeful victory. That's great kid, but "don't get cocky."

Even Finn's partnership with Han echoes back to Luke in the originals. Could he be the next young Force sensitive kid to become a Jedi and lead the good guys? It's seems possible.

We'll find out when "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" finally hits theaters on Dec. 18.