Finally, the perfect gift for the active dog in your life that can benefit Rover during those outdoor actitivites. Rex Specs "doggles" are doggy sunglasses that protect your pet's eyes from UV rays, wind and dust. Even the U.S. Army is using them for their working dogs, reports the Daily Mail. Set in an eye mask design, the $80 protective goggles can even prevent eye conditions caused by sunlight and other harmful elements.

The new polycarbonate lenses come with a soft foam frame that fits snugly to the dog's face and even have replacement lenses if needed. They are made just for large breeds right now, but Rex Specs currently has doggles in development for smaller breeds.

Rex Specs doggles were invented by a Wyoming couple, Aiden Doane and Jesse Emilo, who are an active couple that enjoy taking their two dogs hiking in the mountain areas of Jackson, Wyo. When both their German shepherd and their Siberian husky developed UV ray-related issues from their outings, the pair got creative. Their shepherd developed a superficial keratisis caused by UV rays, and their husky had issues with chronic sunburn around the eyes. They discovered that protective masks helped ease both ailments, but not everything they need.

"The options for eye protection at the time didn't stay in place, or offer a large field of vision," Doan said. "This was discouraging when we took [the dogs] into the mountains for the adventures they love - so we started making our own goggles for them out of materials we had around the house."

Once some adjustments were made, the inventors found just the right formula, and their doggles now can effectively shield a dog's eyes from sunlight, dust and strong wind, with rounder lenses for an easier view.