Passion can die in a marriage and those who are in it far longer are having less sex, according to a study published in Relationships in America. Marriage without sex is increasingly becoming common with marital stress being one of the primary reasons causing the drop off in sexual activity, according to Psychology Today. However, hope is not lost for marriages currently experiencing a drought. There are ways to bring the passion back.

1) Do a bit of soul-searching and introspection.

Before blaming your partner for the disconnect, you've got to look into yourself first and be honest about it. What did you do (or didn't do) to reach this point in your relationship? Are there other problems besides sex? How did you communicate your sexual needs to your partner and did you even attempt to do this? Did your partner do the same and were you responsive? A sexless marriage could be a symptom of other underlying problems in the relationship.

2) Make an effort to keep your sex life spicy.

As most experts say, marriage is hard work and when it comes to sex, someone will have to initiate it. "Someone needs to take charge of keeping the marriage or relationship spicy -someone needs to dress up, buy the sex toys or turn on the porn. It's perfectly fine for one partner to be the driving force if it keeps your sex life alive and moving. But when you both stop trying, it can grind the whole sex machine to a halt," said relationship expert Tammy Nelson via Huffington Post.

3) Do something crazy in your relationship.

Maybe you've become boring as a couple and perhaps an exciting date will bring the fire back. Don't go for safe and routine dates. Instead, do something you've never done together before to "bust your rut," according to psychologist Arthur Aron, via Yahoo! "And that initial sense of exhilaration that comes from falling in love is reinvigorated," Aron said.

4) Get help from experts.

If things haven't improved, it's time to consider getting outside help or therapy, especially if the problems are deeply-rooted. A good start is for you and your other half to watch this video from relationship expert Michele Weiner-Davis, who stresses the importance of being selfless in a relationship. She also talks about how "make-up" sex isn't helpful as resentments can eventually kill the passion.