Being in a relationship is hard work, but it's not supposed to make you feel miserable. Once the chemical attraction wears off and the reality sets in, you may begin to see hints that your romance is headed for doom.

It's a sad thought, but some relationships must have to end for the good of the people involved. Check for these telltale signs to see if your relationship has no future:

1) There's distance between you and your partner, and it's not just a physical one.

How often do you tune out or find other distractions when you're with your partner? When was the last time you've had an intimate moment that didn't involve actual sex? You could be in the same room and yet be different worlds apart emotionally. Emotional disconnection is a relationship quicksand that has many factors, according to Two Of Us.

2) Respect is diminishing in the relationship.

Have you ever screamed at your partner in public? Were there instances when your partner has been dismissive of your ideas and opinions? Have you resorted to hurting your partner physically? While love is essential in any relationship, respect is just as important. It's difficult to imagine ending a relationship, yet it's different if you're ending an unhealthy one, according to Love Is Respect. Your safety and sanity could be at stake here.

3) Trust is a struggle.

How many times have you checked your partner's iPhone or browsed his Facebook messages? How paranoid is your partner when you've only been out shopping for two hours? Choosing to stay with someone when you're struggling to trust them may be a bad decision. "It's like a cancer that can easily grow out of control and consume the life and love right out of your once happy situation," according to Advanced Life Skills.

4) The motivation to work on the relationship is gone.

When you or your partner is no longer willing to work out your problems, then that's the clearest indication that it's time to let go. Surprisingly, many couples find it hard to break up even if this is the case. "They're either afraid to say they're not interested anymore because they fear a violent or angry response and they're looking to me for safety, or they're afraid to hurt the partner's feelings, and they want me to make it easy," said psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina via Prevention.