Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump appeared on Fox Business Network where he had harsh words for the recent University of Missouri protests, which he called "disgraceful," among other things.

"I think it's disgusting. I think it's disgusting," Trump began when asked about the university, according to Business Insider.

Weeks of protests over racial tensions have shaken to university to its core, leading to the resignation of the university's president, Tim Wolfe. Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin followed suit, announcing he would step down at the end of the year.

Trump called the decision to step down "weak," arguing that doing so set something disastrous in motion.

"I think the two people that resigned are weak, ineffective people," he said. "I think that when they resigned, they set something in motion that's going to be a disaster for the next long period of time. They were weak, ineffective people."

He took the opportunity to slip in some self-promotion saying that if he had been in charge there, there would have never been such resignations.

He went on to call the demands of student-protest group, Concerned Student 1950, "crazy," which, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune, are a list of sweeping actions aimed at remedying racial tensions at the school.

"By the way, did you look at their demands?" Trump said on Fox Business. "Their demands are like crazy. The things that they are asking for, many of those things are like crazy. So it's just disgraceful."

Those demands included that the university increase its percentage of black faculty and staff on campus to 10 percent, a handwritten apology, and a mandatory "comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum" overseen by students and faculty of color.

Trump's sentiment toward the group mirrors his feelings for social activist group Black Lives Matter, which he believes is "looking for trouble."

"I looked at a couple of the people that were interviewed from the group," he said previously during a Fox News interview. "I saw them with hate coming down the street last week talking about cops and police, and what should be done to them. And that was not good. And I think it's a disgrace that they're getting away with it."

In the meantime, the situation at Mizzou has sparked protests across the U.S. Most recently, protests have started in Ithaca College in New York and Smith College in Massachusetts, while the dean of students at Claremont McKenna College has resigned in the face of escalating student protests.