Love is a wonderful and priceless feeling. And for a time, we are certain that everything is right and nothing can ever go wrong. While the fairytale romances of Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla, Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, and Meryl Streep and Don Gummer prove that "forevers" do exist, some of us have to deal with our share of heartbreaks in our quest for love that lasts a lifetime.

To find the right one, we must let go of the wrong ones. But how do we know it's the wrong one? Here are ten signs that it's time to let go, according to Pop Sugar.

1. You're always the one messaging and calling your other half.

Romance is a two-way street. While not every day can be 100 percent happy for the two of you, the interest in the relationship and the effort to keep things going should come from both sides, not just you.

2. He or she stops footing the bill and does fewer favors.

No, we don't expect your other half to spoil you all the time. But if your honey used to do things that make you feel special, and he or she is no longer doing them  at all now, then the fire has probably burned out.

3. You rarely hear your endearments.

Remember the time when the two of you were on love boat and you seamlessly call each other honey, babe, sweetheart - the list goes on. Well, if you find yourself or your partner not saying those endearments anymore, then something has changed.

4. When you do hang out, you prefer non-talking activities like watching a movie.

Movies are great, especially if you two are into the same genre. But if you don't talk about how awesome the action movie is afterwards, or if you two are using the movie as an excuse for not talking, then you two or at least one of you has gotten lazy.

5. You're relieved when they cancel.

Seriously, if you're not excited to see him or her, you should ask yourself if you still love him or her.

6. The sex stops.

Unless you two are into the whole sex-after-marriage thing, having zero sex life is probably a bad omen.

7. You can plan your future without them.

If you can't picture them in your life a week, month, or a year from now, then maybe they're not meant to be there.

8. You spend more time with friends separately.

If you enjoy your time with your girls or guys too much without your significant other, then maybe you should be with just them all the time.

9. You're daydreaming about others.

We all have our curiosities, but if you can't stop thinking about someone else, then perhaps you're in love with someone else, or at the least not in love with your partner.

10. One of you is cheating.

It's simple. Don't commit if you're going to cheat.