Global warming could one day push the exotic and beautiful snow leopard into extinction, according to the Huffington Post.

The World Wildlife Fund has published a report detailing the effects that global warming will have on the animal.

The leopards, also referred to as "ghost cats" for their ability to become invisible as they blend into their surroundings, may lose their habitat and be forced into cramped locations at higher altitudes.

"Urgent action is needed to curb climate change and prevent further degradation of snow leopard habitat, otherwise the 'ghost of the mountains' could vanish," said Rishi Kumar Sharma of the World Wildlife Fund.

The shrinking habitat combined with poachers and other dangers could bring the animal's population down to just 4,000, according to Yahoo News.

"Snow leopards won't survive for long unless we tackle climate change alongside other threats such as poaching, retaliatory killings by herders, declining prey species and poorly planned development," said Sami Tornikoski, the head of a group dedicated to natural diversity in the Himalayas. "India, Nepal and Bhutan have proven that it's possible to increase the number of iconic species like tigers and rhinos. Together, governments, conservationists and communities can achieve similar successes with snow leopards and drag them back from the brink."