Brothel owner Dennis Hof has made it very clear that his brothel has a strong "no drug" policy and that his girls are trained to stop any drug use they may see immediately, but new reports show that Lamar Odom did in fact take the drugs he overdosed on, including cocaine, while at the brothel.

It has been confirmed for some time now that the former NBA player definitely was doing cocaine at some point before or during his stay, as the blood tests proved that he overdosed due to a deadly mix of cocaine and the herbal Viagra he had been taking. When this news broke, Hof and Richard Hunter, a spokesperson for the brothel, insisted that Odom had done the cocaine prior to arriving at the brothel, according to ABC News, but the female employees seem to believe otherwise.

Police interviews with the workers at the brothel, and the search warrant they obtained to take blood from Odom prove that he did in fact use cocaine during his stay.

"He possibly ingested cocaine in the bathroom adjoining in the bedroom," the prostitutes told the detective who signed the warrant, according to TMZ. "They indicated that they heard him snorting."

"They indicated that they had vague knowledge of him using illicit narcotics," the report reads.

Even Odom's personal assistant, who police interviewed during his stay at the hospital, said that he knew Odom did drugs and that he had even witnessed him under the influence before. A source also previously told E! News that "virtually every drug imaginable was found in his system."

While it has been known that Odom took at least 10 herbal Viagra pills during his stay, now there is another mystery pill in question. Witnesses told investigators that they saw him "taking an unknown substance in the form of an unidentified pill, which he obtained from his pocket in a plastic bag that was unmarked."

It is still unclear what exactly these pills could have been, but the herbal Viagra pills, which the Ranch sold, came in a marked package, so these were definitely different.

When Odom was found unconscious, he had blood, foam and a white substance coming from his nose and mouth, as HNGN previously reported. If Odom is found in possession of cocaine from the investigation, he could possibly face possession charges. The investigation is still pending.