Football, the World Series, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve — there are plenty of reasons to have parties this time of the year. If you overindulge in alcohol and find yourself experiencing a horrible hangover, there are some foods and drinks that can help you recover. Below are some suggestions:

1) Eggs: Go ahead and eat up a batch of scrambled eggs as you'll need its protein, calcium, vitamin D and acetylcholine to boost the brain's focus and memory, according to Healthy Eating. This simple dish will also help flush out the toxins from the alcohol.

2) Avocados: With your body depleted of potassium, you could experience headache, dry mouth and fatigue. Avocado contains B6 nutrients that help break down the alcohol content still lingering in your system, according to Australian Avocados Org. This superfood will also help get rid of some of the minor discomforts that come with dehydration.

3) Ginger Tea: This drink is a great relief for stomach discomfort and nausea, which can lead to vomiting, according to Healthy Eating. Simply brew a cup and add honey and lemon to make it taste better.

4) Coconut Water: Similar to avocados, coconut water is rich in potassium, which is why it has become a popular sports drink in recent times, according to Men's Health. Coconut water also has a sweet taste, minus the calories, so it can satisfy sugar cravings in a healthy way.

5) Asian Pear: A new study published in Horticulture Innovation Australia suggests that eating Asian pears before binge-drinking, and not right after, can make hangover recovery easier, according to Medical Daily. This is because the pear works to fight the effects that alcohol brings to the body, and boosts the immune system. So, if you'd like to reduce the chances of a hangover, chomp on Asian pears or drink its juice before going to a party.