While you likely don't consider yourself a fashion maven, there are days when you do have to make an effort to look your best. You could be meeting someone very important at work, or a first date with a person you really like. In these instances, first impressions do matter. Yet, you could be making style blunders that hurt the way you are perceived and potentially turn off the ones you're trying to impress. Keep these small but crucial style details in mind so that you avoid any blunders:

1) Wearing Makeup Incorrectly 
You may have invested in some really good cosmetics, but if you don't know how to use them properly, you could end up looking totally washed out or a lot older than your age. To learn how to use cosmetics best, look for some YouTube tutorials on proper application or ask makeup representatives for advice at the store where you purchased the items.

2) Wearing Tacky Accessories
Ditch big bejeweled necklaces, tone down on shiny jewelry and start wearing accessories that are age-appropriate. (So, yes, ditch those animal and butterfly pendants if you're over 40!) Wearing the wrong designs can make you look cheap, flimsy or older.

"Some things feel too young and other things feel too grandma to you, but you still want to be noticed. And you still want to feel alive, and sensual, and sexy. So you're wearing all this kooky stuff to still be noticed, but instead you look like the crazy lady from Seville," said O magazine's Adam Glassman, according to Huffington Post.

3) Wearing Animal Prints 
Some people can pull off animal prints, but there are plenty who look don't look great wearing leopard or cheetah spots or zebra stripes. This type of print shouldn't be experimented with because one small mistake can mess up your whole look, according to Urbanette. Instead, opt for a subtle style with this print and accentuate with accessories and muted colors that don't clash with your overall look.

4) Carrying Worn Out Handbags And/Or Wearing Soiled Or Worn Out Shoes
Quality matters with handbags and shoes because they should always be 100 percent in best form. Invest in sturdy and stylish pieces that you can wear over and over instead of buying cheaper options. 

5) Wearing Overly Embellished Clothes
As the saying goes, "simplicity is beauty." Going with fewer embellishments will look more presentable than wearing clothes with a lot beads, sequins or ruffles. It's worse if these attachments aren't sewn properly or are made of low quality materials. It will only make you look gaudy, as if you're wearing a costume.