BioShock Infinite released its first story DLC on Friday bringing players out of the sky and back under the sea. The new story mode finds the characters from "BioShock Infinite" in the underwater city of Rapture before we found it in the original game.

When gamers first found their way to the fictional city created by in-game character Andrew Ryan, it was in a state of chaos. In "Burial at Sea Episode One" Irrational has created a new version of the city, this one up, running and functional.

According to IGN's review, "Burial at Sea" begins with Elizabeth entering Booker's office and requesting his help in locating a missing young girl named Sally. Apparently, girls are missing all over town and Booker recognizes this one in particular. For the first hour of gameplay has no combat. Instead you walk around as Booker gathering evidence about town. This is really an excuse to see Rapture in its heyday. You pass by landmarks like Little Wonders and hear people chatting casually about places like Arcadia and Apollo Square.

Enemies from the original BioShock are seen performing actual jobs. Houdini Splicers are teleporting waiters that act as faster service providers. A Big Daddy can be seen using his drill to clear debris outside the city's walls.

While the winks to the original game are fun, the gameplay is still very much BioShcok Infinite.

For a more complete rundown of the new features and the story behind BioShock Infinite's new "Burial At Sea" DLC you can check it out HERE via IGN.

Tell us your thoughts. Are you pleased to see the characters we got to know in Columbia find their way to Rapture? Do you mind seeing the chaotic city from the original game in its prime? Comment and share your thoughts below.