Women know this all too well. There are some challenges that come with not wearing a bra. For one thing, people can be judgy and a woman can end up being slut-shamed, but a 2013 French study has shown that there are many advantages to not wearing a bra.

"Medically, physiologically, anatomically - breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra," said Jean-Denis Rouillon, a professor at the University of Besançon in France, according to The Local.

However, for many women, going braless is a matter of personal choice and there's a proper time and a place for this. "For example, wearing a thin shirt with no bra in a court room would not be appropriate. I think a good rule of thumb would be if the guys are expected to wear suits than the ladies should be wearing bras," said one commenter on Reddit's Ask Women section.

Women with smaller breasts can luckily get away with no bra in most cases, but those with fuller sizes can still take advantage of this. Below are some ways women can set the twins free without worrying about backlash:

1.) Stick some Band-Aids on the nipple area or have a stock of nipple covers handy. These come in either silicon or cotton material and they are reusable and washable. They also come in different styles and designs.

2.) Disguise with ruffles. Wear a blouse with full ruffles in the front, so you can easily go braless. To keep yourself warm, wear a blazer (for work), or a denim or leather jacket over it (for casual meet ups).

3.) Wear layers. With the slightly cooler, but not freezing autumn weather, this is easier to pull off as you can just pile up with a tank top, under a knitted sweater, under another layer of jacket.

4.) Wear sweatshirts. If you're simply outside for a quick errand or for walking the dog, a thick sweatshirt would be fine for hiding the ladies.

5.) Wear neoprene tops. They are made of synthetic rubber - the type that is used for surfing and swimsuits - but fashion designers have innovated ways to use the material for more stylish outfits. For women with fuller breasts, pick a neoprene top that is more form-fitting and double up on the support with a tube underneath.