A survey conducted in Britain found that some vegetarians can easily disrupt their no-meat diet when faced with a cheeseburger or kebab after having too much to drink.

The survey, conducted by VoucherCodesPro.co.uk, asked 1,789 British vegetarians about their eating habits. At first, respondents were asked "when drunk, do you ever meat?" To this 37 percent of respondents admitted they did.

Following up on the question, respondents who admitted to eating meat while drunk were asked to reveal how often they did so.

Respondents were presented with a list of possible answers and asked to select which best applied to them, reported USA Today. The results were:

1) Every time you are drunk on a night out: 34 percent
2) Fairly often: 26 percent
3) Rarely: 22 percent
4) Occasionally: 18 percent

Next, participants were asked which foods they were most likely to eat when drunk. The top five meat answers were:

1) Kebab meat: 39 percent
2) Beef burgers: 34 percent
3) Bacon: 27 percent
4) Fried chicken: 19 percent
5) Pork sausages: 14 percent

After being asked how much participants spent when eating while drunk, researchers found that the average amount spent by vegetarians on meat was $7.36.

Lastly, when asked how many of them admitted that they ate meat to anyone else, 69 percent said they didn't while 31 percent stated that they did, according to the Huffington Post.

These findings, while telling, aren't as bad as a similar study done in the U.S. A study conducted by Faunalytics found that 84 percent of vegetarians don't adhere to a strictly vegetarian diet.