The second guanaco born this year has arrived at Zoo Praha in the Czech Republic, according to Zooborns, and we are sharing the pictures of this sweet mother and her newborn.

Following the Sept. 10 birth of the baby guanaco, the baby and mom immediately started enjoying the zoo's outdoor exhibit, as guanacos can walk right after birth.

A wild animal species in South America, guanacos (Lama guanicoe) are in the camelid family and were domesticated 6,000 to 7,000 years ago. They are mostly used for wool and as a pack animal. They get about 4-feet-tall and weigh roughly 265 pounds, says the San Diego Zoo.

The beautiful babies are called chulengos in Spanish. Chulengos are chased away from the herd when they hit their teenage stage at the age of one.

Guanacos are on the "least concerned" list with IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and their only predators are jaguars, cougars and foxes.

Don't you just want to run your fingers through that lush coat and watch this little baby bat those long eye lashes at you? A stunner for sure!