Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is coming under fire for statements he made when answering a question on how to integrate other cultures into American society, saying that he doesn't believe a multicultural society is the right direction for America, according to CNN.

"We should not have a multicultural society," said Bush at an Iowa dinner Tuesday. "America is so much better than every other country because of the values that people share - it defines our national identity. Not race or ethnicity, not where you come from."

For many, his recent statements have been contradictory and confusing, especially since his wife is from Mexico and his children are Mexican-American, according to ABC News.

After his comments, Bush tried to clarify in a statement to the Associated Press.

"You have to have people assimilate into society. But that doesn't mean we have a monolithic, homogeneous population. To the contrary. The power of America is a set of shared values with a very diverse population embracing it," he said in the statement.

Still, Bush using the term "anchor babies" to describe the process of immigrants who come to America specifically to give birth has not gone away, leaving many to wonder exactly where he stands, according to Yahoo! News.