Owners of older Xbox 360 consoles may experience some difficulty playing Rockstar Games' popular new hit "Grand Theft Auto V" as many have taken to online forums to express their dismay over freezing issues on certain models of Microsoft's console.

It seems the trend is happening with Xbox 360 consoles manufactured between 2006 and 2008. Those models seem to be complaining the most about the freezing issue. Kotaku reports that a number of gamers who own an Xbox 360 manufactured or refurbished between those two years have experienced the issue, which ultimately results in the console crashing completely.

The problem apparently starts after the first mission, though its not clear exactly what part of the older manufactured models is causing the problem. The first ideas was that the older models come with a smaller hard drive that might not be able to handle the excess memory necessary for the games 8GB install. However, people have swapped that hard drive out for a bigger one and encountered the same issues.

There are a number of solutions being tried by various users encountering the problem. One that has reportedly been met with a high degree of success involves deleting all game data, clearing your system cache three times and then deleting the marketplace data from storage system items before unbplugging your console for three minutes. After this you should install disc 1 and power off without inserting disc 2 (the gameplay disc). After that, users simply restart their console and install the second disc.

IGN points out that this information comes from a user who called Xbox Live support for assistance. This advice does not come from Rockstar Games, which urges against not installing both discs.

Rockstar has not yet acknowledged the existence of this problem, but that isn't to say it isn't aware of it. The company released a statement today saying it is currently in the process of fixing a glitch in the game that made saved vehicles disappear from safe house garages in the game.