
Dating: What Turns Women Off? 5 Traits Men Have That Repel Women

When it comes to pleasing women and understanding what they want, it seems some men have no clue at all. Yet, even if a man believes himself to be great with the ladies, there are traits men exude that are huge turn offs.

1. Awkwardness

If this is your first date, a certain level of awkwardness can be expected, but for succeeding dates, it could spell bad news for women. Awkwardness may indicate a lack in confidence and social skills, and if you're not aware, women like a confident man. It tells them that he has a healthy self-esteem.

"Less confident daters may even unintentionally spoil the attraction," said Craig Malkin, a Harvard psychologist, according to The Date Report. "They avert their gaze, out of anxiety, are slow to respond in conversation, or offer brief answers -- all of which signal dislike. As a result, they lose out on the reciprocity effect."

2. Rudeness

The flipside to awkwardness is over-confidence, to the point of being rude. Rudeness is listed as the number one first date turn-off in a survey conducted by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) in the U.K., according to the Central Southern Advanced Motorists.

When you hog the conversations, become critical and brash towards your date, when you arrive late or change plans at the last minute, don't expect to get a shot at a second date. "If your confidence takes the form of being condescending and disagreeable, you're not likely to have much advantage in romance," Milkin said.

3. Ex-Girlfriend Hang-ups

If you're either pining for or trashing an ex-girlfriend when you're with your new date, it makes her wonder about your stability (or instability) in a relationship. "When you badmouth an ex, it doesn't reflect on him or her, it reflects on YOU," said dating expert Christie Hartman. It also makes her wonder how you'll behave when she doesn't end up with you.

4. Laziness

Laziness indicates the lack of motivation and ambition, but it's not just limited to having a job or doing something with your life. It can also reflect on how you value self-improvement. Do you have hobbies? Do you make a point to groom yourself and maintain good hygiene? Laziness also influences the way you woo women. Do you put an effort during courtship or intimate moments?

5. Neediness

Sure, women like their men to be all over them, but when a man is constantly encroaching her personal space, seeking her for validation, or using her as an emotional crutch, then it's no longer healthy. Needy men can be "demanding," "controlling" and "smothering," according to The Wall Street Journal. The ladies will be out that door fast looking for air and a different guy!

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