Being small isn't that bad all the time. Well, for humans, it would be a disadvantage sometimes but can actually be a good thing, too. This can also be proven by a little puppy who played a "coffee table game" with a bigger dog. The fun moment was captured in a video by the dogs' owner.

Talisker, the little Golden Retriever puppy, smartly used its size to win a doggy game. He used his size to his advantage as he outsmarts his big brother Fearghas by dashing under the coffee. He knows that his big brother couldn't go under the table because he is big. Yes, running under the table is something only Talisker can do.

He looks really adorable while outsmarting his older brother. Good thing Fearghas didn't think of going under the table to get Talisker! Well, Fearghas knows he is too big for the table.

We could say that Talisker is such a smart dog, but he is kind of a game cheater, too! But whatever you say, this video of the little puppy is a proof that being a “little guy” ain’t so bad at all!