When the Chihuahua named Lola came to the Sunflower Farm, she started to spend time playing with the goat kids, Princess Leia and Lady Bug. Of the two goats, Princess Leia likes her best and would even lick her face and chew on her tail and ears.

Since older dogs in the farm, an English Mastiff and a pug, are not interested on playing with Lola, she always goes out and plays with the goat kids daily.

The trio would have fun times every day as they played on the farm. The goats would jump up and down while Lola would chase them. Princess Leia, the cream-colored goat, would always invite Lola to play, manifested by a toss of her head. Meanwhile, Lady Bug, the brown spotty goat, would headbutt Lola because she is sometimes jealous of the dog and Princess Leia's friendship. But Princess Leia always comes to her defense!

"They play each day when I am doing chores...great exercise for the puppy who is full of energy and fun! The puppy is now 9 weeks old and the goats are three weeks," the owner wrote on the video description.

Sunflower Farm, located at Cumberland, Maine, is indeed a wonderful place and home for this adorable Chihuahua and her goat best friends.