An eagle punched a drone out of the sky in Skye, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, and it was all documented by photographer Adam Lancaster, according to BuzzFeed.

“We knew there were eagles around, but we hadn’t seen any for a long time,” Lancaster told the website. “We first saw the eagle circle us, but it disappeared. Then it came back into our direction and the next minute it flew out of the tree and took me out.”

“We were excited because we knew we were going to have good footage. The were no signs on the drone that the eagle had been hurt," he said. "It also kept circling about ten metres above us after the drone had crashed. Treat eagles like you are supposed to treat aircraft. If you see them, LAND.”

The incident was not the first time that a feathered creature has wrecked havoc on a drone. An eagle reportedly got so fed up with an airborne robot that he killed its orbit, according to a YouTube video from the May 25, 2014 attack.

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