Some people have amazing talents - like this guy who can sing different voices. Roomie can imitate 15 different people and the way he impersonates the artists are seriously uncanny. This talent sings like Sam Smith, Chris Brown and even the Chocolate Rain guy. His video has impressed many viewers and the public is asking for more videos.

From Bruce Springsteen to Bryan Adams, Roomie killed it all! With nearly 400,000 views, the video is currently one of the most viewed and most popular uploads in YouTube.

Schmoyoho, a YouTube user commented on the video saying, "Hey Roomie, leave some talent for the rest of us!"

Aside from his voice, people also noticed how he looks at the camera. Thug Penguin (IzzyGale) said, "That intense look you give to the camera...I feel as if you are staring into my soul."

On his Facebook Page, the video was already view over five million times, liked more than 115,000 times and was shared nearly 90,000 times. Looks like his talent has a long way to go!

Last year, Roomie also uploaded a video where he sang in 14 different voices and got over eight million views!