Still on the campaign trail, Rick Perry gave a speech in New York on Wednesday that blamed Bill Clinton for the 2008 financial crisis and called out former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who Perry says will have to answer for the former President's mistakes.

Perry was speaking at an event hosted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. "The roots of the financial crisis can be traced to the 1990s," the former Texas governor said in his speech, according to the Washington Post.

He explained that it was during the Clinton administration that "seeds were sown" which would eventually harm America's middle-class. "If Secretary Clinton wants to take credit for the 'Clinton economy,' then she must defend the destructive homeownership policies advocated by her husband," Perry said.

"As someone who grew up on the prairies of West Texas, I know that the common sense of Main Street can help make Wall Street work again for all Americans, not just the well-connected few," Rick Perry said, according to Chron.

Rick Perry served as governor of Texas for 14 years before he stepped down from office in Jan. 2015. There were about 150 people present at the lunch event in New York where Perry was speaking. Hillary Clinton was a U.S. senator for the state of New York from 2001 to 2009.

Perry is currently campaigning for the 2016 Presidential election. He previously ran in 2012 and lost the nomination to Republican Mitt Romney. During the speech, Perry outlined some of his ideas for reforming Wall Street. "Democrats have a 1915 view of the 2015 economy," he said, according to the Texas Tribune.