Colonel Meow, the cat who has recently become an internet sensation, is now a Guinness World Record holder for his nine-and-a-half inch fur.

"His fur gets everywhere in the house. I now have a lint roller in my car, in my bedroom, on my nightstand, in the kitchen; like we have one everywhere because his hair gets everywhere, but it's worth it," Avey Rosario, Colonel Meow's owner, told Guinness World Records.

Leslie Lyons, a professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri, Columbia, said the cat's fur is actually fairly standard for a long-hair Persian. "Longest fur on a cat" is a new category in the "Guinness Book of World Records," and Lyons believe they are simply trying to "generate conversation," according to Time.

Guinness public relations manager Jamie Panas said Guinness is open to applications from cat owners who think their feline beats out Colonel Meow for the title.

The Colonel himself doesn't seem shaken by the skepticism.

"Colonel Meow being in the world record book definitely didn't phase him at all, until he started reading the actual book and he couldn't take his eyes off himself," Rosario told Guinness.

The successful cat has his own website, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. He has also made several Youtube Videos that have gone viral.

Colonel Meow went from rags to riches after he was taken from a Seattle kill shelter by the Seattle Persian and Himalayan Rescue, according to Time.

His owners, Avey and Eric, adopted him from a local Petco and brought the furry kitty to live with them in their California home.

The Colonel doesn't seem scarred by his troubled past.

"Just doing a little celebrating after crushing my world record for longest fur. Even though this is exactly what I've done everyday for the past 3 year," Mr. Meow wrote on his Facebook timeline.