A pug is a dwarf breed that is similar to a bulldog having a broad flat nose and deeply wrinkled face. Although, not all people find pugs pleasing, the video might change your mind.

Pugs are playful dogs that love to make friends and are apparently good swimmers. And they'll play with anything... from a dog bed to a mirror!

The video has over 300,000 views with around 1,200 comments. Others shared their own experiences about pugs.

Shanti CB said, "I had a pug named Kimo, and he really was a graceful swimmer. His most beautiful performance was when he snuck into the neighbor's yard and just into their pool while the cover was on. My neighbor had to jump in, clothes and all, to save Kimo from drowning. It was truly so majestic."

There were unpleasant comments about the pugs too but one viewer came to the rescue saying, "Sigh. Why can't the comments be filled with love and positivity. I sit here for minutes looking at these horrible comments about these precious, beautiful animals. They have breathing problems for god sakes and some comments make fun of that?! And to be honest even though it's a horrible thing that they have breathing problems it makes them adorable and cute. I hope one day when I'm older I could have a pug they're beautiful smart dogs and that's why I love them. "

Indeed, pugs "will always manage to melt your heart", BuzzFeed noted in the video.