Dogs love to chew and eat just about anything, but one black Labrador retriever takes it to an entirely new level!

A veterinarian from Mars, Pa., had to surgically remove several items from the dog's stomach during a two hour exploratory procedure, including 62 hair bands, eight pairs of underwear and a bandage, according to the Associated Press.

Tiki, the black Lab, has an affinity for eating most everything she sees. In addition to the aforementioned items, her owner, Sara Weiss, revealed that the most unusual item that she ate was a Nerf dart, which passed through Tiki's system, according to Pittsburg's Action News 4.

Prior to the surgery, Tiki had been vomiting, suffering from diarrhea and had a loss of appetite.

When medicine did not work, Tiki underwent surgery at Good Shepherd's Veterinary Hospital and the doctors made the shocking discovery right then and there.

"I found this hair band attached to another hair band to another one to another one and to other things again," said Hisham Ibrahim, the veterinarian who conducted the operation, according to News 965. "It was just amazing, and it's not easy. But, thank God, we were able to pull through, and Tiki has recovered very well."