Apps continue to find different purposes, the latest one being letting you keep track of how much alcohol you drink and telling you when you've had enough.

"The "Alcohol Tracker," developed by doctors in Singapore, is a smartphone app that allows users to enter the number of drinks they have each day. If a user drinks more than the maximum amount of alcohol recommended by certain health organizations, then the app will send them a notification, warning that the recommended limit has been reached, Live Science reported.

The service also includes a self-test called the "Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test." The Alcohol Tracker's creators say that apps like this could prevent millions of deaths from alcohol use disorders, according to CNN.

"It's like having your therapist with you at all times," said George Koob, director of the National Institutes of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health.

However, not all drinking apps have the wellness of the users in mind. There are a lot of drinking apps that are meant for entertainment rather than helping solve alcoholism issues, according to a journal published on BMJ Innovations.

The research further notes that there are a lot of alcohol-related apps that do not accurately count blood alcohol content.

Android users can download the Alcohol Tracker now for free at the Google Play store. When the app will be available for iOS users has yet to be determined.