Germany clothing apparel company Adidas has partnered with Parley for the Oceans, an environmental organization, in creating a new line of footwear that is made entirely from recycled ocean wastes and illegal deep-sea gillnets.The prototype of the shoes was revealed at an event Parley for the Oceans hosted for the United Nations, according to the press release.

"Our objective is to boost public awareness and to inspire new collaborations that can contribute to protect and preserve the oceans. We are extremely proud that Adidas is joining us in this mission and is putting its creative force behind this partnership to show that it is possible to turn ocean plastic into something cool,"  said Cyrill Gutsch, the founder of the eco group.

"We are incredibly excited to join Parley for the Oceans as they bring the cause of the oceans to the attention of the United Nations. Adidas has long been a leader in sustainability, but this partnership allows us to tap into new areas and create innovative materials and products for our athletes. We invite everyone to join us on this journey to clean up the oceans," said Eric Liedtke of Adidas.

The materials procured for this project has had some risks, as Parley for the Oceans, together with the Sea Shepherded Conservation Society, had to go on a 110-day expedition to follow a poaching vessel in the West African coast and retrieve the gillnets.

"It's a fishing net that was spanning the bottom of the sea like a wall, and killing pretty much every fish passing by. They confiscated this net, and we're bringing it back to life," said Gutsch, via Pioneer News.

The concept shoe remains unnamed at this point, as it is not yet going on sale in its existing design. The company plans to release a line of ocean garbage consumer-ready products later this year, according to cNet.