For fans of the Marvel universe, it seems like there is an insatiable thirst for more content from the comic-book/film franchise. With Phase Two of the Avengers plan well under way and Guardians of the Galaxy filming right now, there is more Marvel on the way than ever before and people are still saying it isn't soon enough. To help quench the thirst a bit Marvel and hero Ventures are teaming up to bring a themed attraction centered on everyone's favorite team of super heroes across the U.S.

"The Marvel Experience" is an interactive themed tour. It offers fans a 4D motion ride that serves as the centerpiece for a bevy of other content from the Marvel universe including Original, never before seen, 3D animated features along with digitally projected animations, motion-comic origin stories, virtual reality/holographic simulations, merchandise and integrated social media, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

"Hero Ventures is developing a themed entertainment concept that we expect will be a transformative, traveling destination that will deliver to fans and families an exciting, groundbreaking and unique experience," says Marvel's vp business development Sean Haran.

The experience, in total, will run the studio about $30 million and is likely to kick off in the spring of 2014. It will sit under a 50,000-sq. ft. dome that will be able to travel to about 20 to 24 cities across the country where it will set up shop for several days in order to accommodate anyone who wants to see the sights and those who want to see them twice. At the moment the cities the Marvel Experience will be hitting are not available to the public.

"The dynamic creative elements we're developing are going to enable anyone to feel like a superhero like Spider-Man or Captain America. We couldn't be more excited about our partnership with Marvel. Kids and adults are going to be absolutely inspired, empowered and thrilled from start to finish, with an immersive experience that is not just memorable, but unforgettable," said Hero Ventures CEO Rick Licht.