Located 75 miles from the north of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, the town of Ramygala, with about 1700 residents, celebrated their anniversary with the annual goat parade over the weekend. This was the sixth time the villagers held the parade, which was something the residents look forward to every year, according to Ukraine Today.

Seven goats joined the pageant and each of these animals were spruced up in pretty outfits. They were also decorated with flowers by their owners.

Ultimately, the winner of the contest was Marce, a goat with a dark coat, who was decked in a flower cape. She stood next to her owner, S. Dobrovelskiene, with poise as she was being crowned. However, Marce didn't like to wear the crown, so her owner gladly received this and wore it for her.

The proud owner revealed that there was no need to prepare for the pageant, as Marce did the regular things she did around the house that morning. Dobrovelskiene said Marce even danced like she always did.

In Ramylaga, goats have been revered as the town's symbol for many centuries and the locals highly value the animals, according to 22 News. For the locals, the pageant was indeed the highlight of the anniversary celebration.

Watch the video of the goat parade below: