The Yemeni arm of global terror group Al Qaeda executed two Saudi men accused of spying for the United States on Wednesday.

The Ansar al-Shariah militants first read out the charges and then shot them on a sandy beach in front of big crowd, reported AFP. The execution took place in the southern city of Mukalla in Yemen's Hadramout province.

The jihadist group claimed that the two alleged spies had planted chips that helped U.S. drone to track down group's top commanders.

"Ansar al-Shariah carried out the death sentence of two Saudis spies Hussam al-Khalidi and Abu Ayman al-Mutairi for their involvement in killing of senior leaders of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula," Mukalla Today reported. The Mukalla-based newspaper also released pictures of Saudi men before the execution.

After public execution, the terrorists hung their bodies on a bridge in the city. "The House of Saud directs American planes to bomb the holy warriors," a posted placed beneath the corpses said, according to Mirror.

The Al Qaeda offshoot group also posted pictures of the execution as well as picture of one dead body hanging on a bridge. Pictures posted on internet showed terrorists surrounding two blindfolded men sitting on knees.

The execution of Saudi men, who were accused of assisting the United States to kill senior leaders of the group in past few years, came after the Al Qaeda's regional chief Nasir al-Wahishi was assassinated by a U.S. drone strike, Associated Press reported. Wuhayshi, a close aide of Osama bin Laden, was head of Ansar al-Shariah (Al Qaeda in Arabian Penninsula).