Chet Hanks is getting a lot of questions about his recent behavior - allegedly trashing a hotel room in England and defending the N-word - but he has only one question for his critics.

"I got a better question: Why do I not give a [f---] get off my [d-k]?" Hanks said in a recent Instagram video.

British police want to question a 24-year-old American man who allegedly trashed a hotel room at the Aurora International Hotel in Crawley, England. Reportedly, the oldest son of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson is the person responsible for causing the estimated £1,200 (approximately $1834) in damages, although authorities have not confirmed the man's identity, according to E! News.

"We have been given the name of a suspect - a 24-year-old man from the USA - and we are currently working with other agencies to try to trace him so he can be interviewed," police told E! News.

The alleged incident happened around the same time that the aspiring rapper defended his use of the N-word in an Instagram post.

"If I say the word [n---a] I say it amongst people I love and who love me," Chet said in a video post on June 2. "And I don't accept society getting to decide what ANYBODY can or can't say. That's something we call FREE SPEECH."