Kylie Jenner is going to defend her father no matter what happens.

When Chris Brown posted a meme to his Instagram earlier this week negatively referring to Caitlyn Jenner's recent Vanity Fair cover, Kylie made sure to say something.

The rapper posted a meme calling Caitlyn Jenner a "science project." Snoop Dogg also shared the same post, and it has caused a ton of backlash, according to E! News.

The meme was an image of Akon with the text, "Shout out to Akon! He is about to supply 600 million Africans with solar power. I'm really upset that this isn't major news but that science project bruce jenner is #Society."

Snoop captioned the same picture, "News flash. @akon tune in to ggn for some real news."

The post still remains on Snoop Dogg's account, but Brown eventually deleted his. Some fans caught screenshots of what appears to be a comment from Kylie Jenner saying, "Not very nice to say about your friends dad."

Kylie also tweeted on Friday, "State what you want about the world without bashing others. Leave a positive impact."

Considering all the positive feedback and support Caitlyn has been getting, this came as quite a shock to the 17-year-old reality star, especially since her and Brown have been friends for a while. The two have been spotted hanging out a bunch and times and have even become closer friends since she started dating rapper Tyga.

Brown and Kylie were even spotted recently hugging on the set of his and Tyga's new song, "Do It Again," according to the New York Daily News.

Brown has deleted the post, but he has not yet made any comments regarding it.