Business is booming in Silicon Valley, which means that there is more demand for work. On a typical day, it's normal to see many of the techies blending their powdered food or drinking chilled beverages before heading to their next tasks. These beverages are their breakfast, lunch and sometimes even dinner, as liquid meals have become a staple among the workers.

"It just removes food completely from my morning equation up until about 7 p.m.," Aaron Melocik, a software developer, told The New York Times. The protein-packed powdered drinks, which also contain zinc, magnesium and other vitamins, are inexpensive and easy to make. They just have to add water or milk to satisfy their stomachs enough so that get back to doing more work.

The product has become so in-demand that there is actually a wait-list for other workers who have yet to receive their first orders of protein drinks, according to the Seattle Times. Capitalists have also taken advantage of the situation, as they fund companies that make these meal replacements.

The founder of Soylent, Rob Rhinehart, who is also a software engineer, decided to concoct his own protein drink in 2013 after noticing that he was eating poorly while working long hours at Silicon Valley. He received funding for his business venture through crowdsourcing, and since then, orders have been flying off the shelves. His success has inspired a number of imitators.

So brands like Soylent, Schmilk, People Chow and Schmoylent are everywhere in Silicon Valley. They are not only offered in offices, they are also available at restaurants servicing the busy town, or during tech head conventions and dinner parties among workers.

Makers of these protein drinks say that their product is better than commercial protein powdered drinks, which have been sold many years before, as these tend to be loaded with sugar. Some meals can even be personalized, to satisfy one's taste palette.

A week's worth of protein drinks would amount to only $85, which is better than a single $50 meal at a Silicon Valley restaurant, according to the NY Times report.