Imagine: you have a sudden craving for wakeboarding, but you don't have a boat. What do you do?

Swedish wakeboarding company Radinn may have an answer to that dilemma. Radinn recently released the Wakejet Cruise, a self-propelled board that lets users ride the wake without having a boat.

"The Wakejet Cruise enables water sports enthusiasts," writes Radinn, "all over the world, to discover a new dimension of riding possibilities. Combining the agility and speed of wakeboarding with the freedom of surfing, it allows for riding in the ocean, sea, lake or even up a rapid. It's simply freedom."

The device is completely custom-designed in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes maintenence and service times. Radinn also says that the device uses the best materials and batteries to create and maintain the device.

The Radinn Wakejet weighs less than 29 kg (64 pounds), and can reach speeds of 20-25 knots, an impressive speed for a portable device. The Wakejet's battery will last up to 30 minutes at full speed. The battery is completely replaceable, and only takes 60 minutes to recharge. The Wakejet comes with an on-board computer, a mobile-app system for iOS and Android, a GPS tracking system, magnetic safety switches and a carbon and kevlar composite construction

Frankly, the Wakejet is just plain cool. Not only is it a great way to surf or wakeboard without a boat, but the speed behind this thing just makes me want to ride it.

Don't believe me? Check out the device in action.

The Wakejet Cruise is currently available for preorder on Radinn's website.