UFC Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey has long been asked if she could beat World Champion boxer Floyd Mayweather in a fight. Prior to Mayweather's bought with Manny Pacquiao earlier this month, Rousey said she could beat him and Pacquiao publicly agreed.

Mayweather said back in July that he didn't even know who Rousey was nor was he aware that she was a female fighter.

The issue was brought up again to Rousey in an interview with Access Hollywood on Monday.

"Well, I would never say that I can't beat anyone," Rousey said. "I don't think that me and him would ever fight, unless we ended up dating."

Her comments could be a reference to Mayweather's extensive track record of domestic violence against women. Mayweather has been involved in seven domestic violence cases against five different women that have resulted in either arrests or citations. Back in 2011, he served two months of three-month sentence after he pleaded guilty to domestic violence charges against a former girlfriend.

There have been other incidents involving Mayweather in which police have been called but charges were not filed.

Mayweather has yet to respond to Rousey's comments at this time.