For years, Aaron Sorkin's screenplay about Steve Jobs, one of the founders of the tech company Apple, has been in the works. The production hit a lot of setbacks since its inception, with many cast changes taking place, and conflicts between the director and the studio stalling the filming process. Several leaked emails from Sony also revealed that internal arguments between talents and studio executives almost lead to the shutting down the project, according to the Verge.

But after switching studios from Sony to Universal, and after changing its director, as well as snagging Michael Fassbender in the lead role, filming for "Steve Jobs" officially rolled in January 2015.

Today, Universal is finally ready to unveil the first official teaser to the movie.

There isn't much to see, as the teaser is mostly just one shot of Fassbender as Jobs in what looks like one of the Apple honcho's iconic keynote speeches. There are also snippets of conversations provided by voice-overs from the rest of the cast, such as Kate Winslet, who plays Joanna Hoffman, Seth Rogen, who plays Steve Wozniak and Jeff Daniels, who plays John Sculley.

"Steve Jobs" has been directed by Danny Boyle and is based on a biography written by Walter Isaacson. Sorkin's story will reportedly center on three important events in Apple's history: the launch of the Mac computers, the return of Jobs to the company in 1996 as Apple acquired NeXT and the launch of the iPod.

The movie will be released in theaters on Oct. 9.

Watch the minute-long teaser below.