While the Microsoft mobile interface may not be the most popular one in America, it's about to offer people an opportunity they never imagined.

The Windows 10 mobile interface recently added the middle finger emoji to its emoji library; a development that many angry people have requested for a long time.

The Emojipedia recently noticed the change and posted it to its Windows 10 Emoji Changelog.

Now, this isn't an emoji that came out of nowhere. The emoji was approved in 2014 by Unicode 7, but none of the major mobile OS systems have incorporated it. At least, not until now. The finger was recently added to the Windows 10 OS, much to the support of every person who ever wanted to text their ex the middle finger.

The finger comes in a number of different skin tones, and can be used in most Windows apps. This update was released alongside a number of other emoji updates, including smileys with facemasks, a Vulcan salute from "Star Trek," a number of national flags and carousel horses.

Microsoft has not commented on its decision to include the emoji, though CNET noted that it's "surely yet another example of how Microsoft wants to shed its stodge in favor of a little modernist chutzpah."

It's also unclear if Apple or Android will follow Microsoft's lead and add the emoji to their libraries.