Kansas State University experts suggest parents should let children believe in Santa Claus for as long as they want.

Tooth fairies, fairy tales, Peter Pan and most importantly, Santa Claus, are some fantasies children cherishes the most. Jared Durtschi, an assistant professor in Kansas State University's marriage and family therapy program said parents should not consider there to be an age limit for children to stop believing in Santa.

They will gradually grow out of it so parents should let their beliefs about Santa develop naturally.

"I don't think it's necessary for parents to decide upon a time to tell their children there is no Santa," a report in Science Daily quoted Durtschi. "As children develop, the magical thinking that is so common in kids, which allows them to so readily accept all the details of Santa Claus, will give way and they will soon figure it out on their own."

According to the expert, if a parent tells a child the truth about Santa before the child is ready for it, it may lessen the child's excitement about Christmas and the whole festive season.

"Christmas tends to be more fun for those kids who believe in Santa compared to those who do not," he said. "It may be unnecessary to spoil the excitement for the child until they outgrow the belief."

Durtschi cautions parents that there will come a time when a child will want to believe in Santa but the child's logically reasoning abilities will make him or her believe otherwise. During this transaction period, it is normal that a child's belief in Santa will keep changing from time to time. This period may last up to several years.

"They may believe one day, not believe the next day, and then decide they believe in Santa again next week after watching a Christmas movie," he said. "Just because a child is showing signs of doubt does not mean he or she has completely made the transition to disbelief in Santa."

During this period it is best if parents spend time with like-minded families so that their children are exposed to other people's opinion of Santa. Durtschi also requests parents that it is important for them to teach their children that their opinion and beliefs about Santa may differ from other children.

"I hope all parents will make efforts to teach their children to respect the differences in how the holidays are celebrated," he said.