There are many popular Easter traditions, but one that spans cultures is painting Easter eggs. That, coupled with Easter egg hunts, make the holiday a special one for children of all ages.

When it comes to the painting, one company has the egg dye market cornered.

PAAS Dye Co., based out of Newark, N.J., has been around since the late 1880s when William Townley came up with the now-famous recipe dye. Townley was a drug store owner who frequently experimented with ingredients in attempts to make home products.

He eventually struck gold before the turn of the century when he discovered how to make the perfect egg dye. Townley packaged them in tablet form, so all people had to do was mix whichever color they wanted with vinegar and/or water.

Knowing he was on to something, Townley ditched his drug store business and started the PAAS Dye Company, which gets its name from the Pennsylvania Dutch's term for "Easter."

The product that Townley once sold for 5 cents now goes for an average of $1.99 and is bought by 10 million people each Easter season, according to the company's website.

From households to even pop culture, the company has been immortalized.

On NBC's show "30 Rock," businessman Jack Donaghy (portrayed by Alec Baldwin), while talking about successful companies, asks "When was the last time you bought a non-PAAS egg-dyeing kit? Try never."

Tina Fey's character Liz Lemon responds by saying "PAAS is the best."