Kim Kardashian's boyfriend is once again making headlines for his explosive temper. The rapper was spotted leaving an LAX airport when he got into a scuffle with a photographer. The incident, which was caught on camera, could land West with felony charges, the New York Daily News reports.

As West was leaving the airport several photographers were filming and snapping pictures of the celebrity. One photographer was talking to West asking him why the paparazzi were not allowed to talk to him anymore when the rapper turned around, said something to the guy and charged him.

According to the Daily News, West shoved the photographer to the ground while trying to take the camera from him. Paramedics were called to the scene and the paparazzo was taken to the hospital.

Because cops felt like the cameraman was injured during the incident it is being labeled as a felony for attempted robbery, not an assault.

According to TMZ, the photogs name is Dano and is the SAME photographer that was attacked by Britney Spears with an umbrella in 2007. Witnesses said that Dano was being aggressive. The incident turned into a money-maker for the paparazzo who sold the umbrella Spears hit him with on eBay.

TMZ reports that Dano also raked in more than $30,000 from selling the dented Ford Explorer and a a good fortune from the video of the incident.

Just last week the rapper was at the same airport when he told a photographer "Don't talk to me, don't talk to me" after the guy complemented him on his music.

According to the Daily Mail, the incident took place the same day Kris Jenner told the ladies on "The Talk" that her daughter's baby daddy didn't have anger problems.

"Knowing Kanye and I do know him very, very well and I am very close to him... he doesn't have a short temper like everybody thinks," she said.