A 25-year-old mother has been charged with neglect for leaving her two young children unsupervised in a parking lot for three hours while she attended a Lil Wayne concert.

According to the Daily Mail, an employee of the venue spotted the young children, 5 and 3, standing around a Nissan Altima around 7 p.m. in a police statement the employee, Barry Batchelor, said he went back to the same spot around 9:45 p.m. and the kids were still standing there so he took the children to a venue gate and turned them over to sheriff's deputies.

When asked where their mother was the children said she had "went into the concert and left them to stay in the car."

The sheriff's found the mother, hip-hop model Brittany Harris, when she returned to her car after the concert ended at 10:30 p.m., the Smoking Gun reports. At first Harris denied that she left her kids alone reportedly telling police that her cousin had dropped them off but then admitted to leaving them by themselves while she watched the concert.

Harris was charged with two counts of child neglect, with child welfare officers reportedly ordered to take possession of the children. According to the Smoking Gun, since the children "were left unsupervised for several hours in a busy parking lot with an estimated 9,000 patrons, numerous vehicles and intoxicated persons" Harris had to be arrested. She is currently in Palm Beach County jail and a bail has been set at $20,000.

According to the Daily Mail, many fans of the model and mother of two were upset over the news posting comments on her Facebook page asking her why she just didn't leave or take the kids inside with her for free.

"Lmfao this girl that left her kids in the parking lot to see Wayne concert. You could have brought them inside for FREE. Duh!! Smh."