
'Luna On Chairs' Blog Raises Money For Cancer Research

A Vancouver photographer is raising money for cancer research by taking pictures of his pup, Luna, on random chairs.

Robert Pacey started his blog, appropriately named Luna On Chairs, because the pictures made his wife, Diane Gagné-Pacey, who was recovering from breast cancer at the time, laugh.

Now Pacey is using the picturesof his lab to bring happieness to other cancer patients.

"Luna on Chairs had made my wife smile during a really horrible time so maybe others would find joy too," Pacey told Vancouver Sun.

This month, Pacey is hosting a fundraiser to get his followers to donate money to the BC Cancer Foundation. For every donation of $50 or more made to his page he is giving out a free #LunaOnChairs t-shirt.

At the time this article was written, Pacey already raised $1,421 of his $2,000 goal.

It's unclear if Luna actually realizes that she is the face of such a good cause, but Pacey is convinced she does.

"People say, 'oh, she doesn't really know what she's doing,'" Pacey told Vancouver Sun. "But she's very conscious of when we're done. We take the picture and she hears the click and she gets so excited. We have to celebrate and run around for a minute, whereas two seconds ago she was super calm and quiet. Now it's like, 'yay, we did another one!'"

Labrador, Husky, Dog, Cancer research, Picture, Photographer, Blog, Tumblr, Breast cancer
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