Google likes to commemorate key moments in history by transforming its otherwise standard "Google" logo into a doodle depicting the day's historical events. Google's latest doodle celebrates the 66th anniversary of the so-called Roswell incident - which is when many UFO believers say is when a UFO landed outside the New Mexico town.

The black and white interactive Doodle, appears like a video game and allows users to move a friendly alien around as he collects items for his spaceship. When the challenge is complete, Google provides the top search terms for "Roswell UFO incident".

On July 7, 1947, a round disk that was flying in the air landed on Earth near Roswell, N.M., fueling decades of conspiracy theories and accusations of government cover-ups. The crash is tied to a weather balloon, but the most popular theory is the object was a ship carrying alien life.

On July 8, 1947, a U.S. Air Force spokesman said a "flying disc" had crashed near Roswell, but later that day, an Air Force general said that the object was just a weather balloon. The rapid reclassification, coupled with the original press release's repeated references to a "disc," helped fuel public fascination with flying saucers.

Head n  to and check out their latest 'doodle" honoring the 66th anniversary of the reported UFO spotting.