Seven stolen dogs were reunited with their owners Friday morning, thanks to a good Samaritan. 

Daisy Bowers noticed a van with a dog inside sitting in the parking lot of her Chicago hair salon on Feb. 20, which prompted her to call the authorities. 

"A dog was looking out the window to say, 'Help me' or 'Come get me,' " Bowers told Chicago Tribune. "So I called 911, and within 10 or 15 minutes they were here and rescued the dogs." 

She told the newspaper that she felt she needed to call the authorities because it was "too cold out here for anything that's alive to be out there without any attention." 

Bowers' instinct was right - several dogs were stolen from Urban Out Sitters, a pet daycare center, on Wednesday, Feb. 18. The dogs were in the van because they were about to be driven back to their owners' homes. The pups never made it back to their owners that day, as the daycare van was stolen, reported Chicago Tribune. 

When police arrived at the scene, the dogs were okay despite a lot of shivers. One-by-one, many of the dog's owners began to show up at the scene while police were still there. 

One owner, Tad Tomita, 34, rushed down to the scene as soon as he heard about the incident on Facebook. 

"So we drove down there," Tomita told Chicago Tribune. "Mochi wasn't in the van, so we were worried. But she was in another car. The female police officer, she was keeping her warm. And then we got her back, and she was so excited to see us and we were so excited to see her." 

Couple Allison Egos-Rodriguez and Douglas Rodriguez were relieved when they found their two dogs - Brad Pitt and Scarlett - who were both in the stolen van.

One of their dogs, Scarlett, actually mended the Rodriguez's relationship after they split up for a while before they were married. 

"Because of work I have to travel a lot. I'd visit San Francisco a lot to visit Scarlett and my sweetheart," Douglas said on WGN TV

The driver of the van was uninjured, reported ABC News