During the normal course of my work day, I typically come across some very cool and interesting stuff, but nothing cooler than this "Ghostbusters" board game I came across on Kickstarter earlier today.

The game is being made by Cryptozoic Entertainment, who have made board games based on such diverse properties as "Archer," "Lord of the Rings," "Adventure Time" and "The Walking Dead." Now, it seems that they are tackling New York City's favorite paranormal investigators and bringing the zaniness of the movies home.

From the game's Kickstarter page:

"'Ghostbusters: The Board Game' is an episodic adventure game for one to four players, who are charged with busting ghosts and sealing gates to the Spirit World. The game is customizable, cooperative, and highly re-playable. It features unique illustrations and figures based on original artwork and designs by Dan Schoening, the artist of IDW's 'Ghostbusters' comic book series. Each Ghostbuster has a distinct role and unlocks unique abilities by gaining experience. The game offers modes for different levels of players, making it accessible to beginners and challenging to experts. Now is your chance to save the world!"

The initial asking price of $80 (most Kickstarter asks start at around $5) is a bit steep, but this does seem like a quality product that's worth that initial investment. As of this evening, the campaign has already soared past its $250,000 goal, raking in almost $340,000 in a little over 24 hours.

Check out the Kickstarter video below and decide for yourself if you'd like to chip in. I know I am...