While Rover may love to hang out during the backyard BBQ and howl at the fireworks on the 4th of July some steps need to be taken to ensure he enjoys the holiday safely.

The ASPCA released a set of guidelines for keeping pets safe on Independence Day:

Keep Alcoholic Beverages in Sight

There's nothing wrong with enjoying an ice-cold beer on a holiday, but pets shouldn't join the boozy fun. Alcohol can be potentially hazardous for animals, causing heavy intoxication, weakness, depression, and even coma or death.

Don't Put Glow Sticks on Your Pet, No Matter How Cute It Looks

The chemicals that make the sticks glow are not very toxic, but they can still cause severe drooling and gastrointestinal irritation, not to mention pets can bit off small pieces of plastic and choke.

Don't Set Off Fireworks Near Fido, Or Let Him Have Unused Ones

Humans need to use extreme care when handling fireworks; pets can also sustain severe burns from them. Even unlit fire crackers are dangerous to pets, they contain "potassium nitrate, arsenic and other heavy metals," which can all be potentially fatal if ingested.

Bug Repellant and Sunscreen Is For Humans Only, Unless Otherwise Indicated

Ingestion of sunscreen can cause "drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy." Bug repellent contains DEET, which can cause neurological issues.

Don't Let Pets Help Themselves to the BBQ Fare

Pets (especially those on regular diets and older animals) can be extremely sensitive to dietary change. Having a burger for just one meal when they're used to a steady diet could cause digestive problems. Be careful of foods such as "onions, chocolate, coffee, avocado, grapes & raisins, salt and yeast dough," because they can be potentially toxic.

Keep Matches and Lighter Fluid Where Pets Can't Get Them

Some matches contain chlorates, which can damage blood cells, affect breathing, and even cause kidney damage in extreme cases. Lighter fluid can irritate pet's skin, cause indigestion, and could even lead to neurological depression. Inhaled lighter fluid can cause aspiration pneumonia and breathing problems.

Citronella Candles, Insect Coils and Oil Products Should Be Kept Out of Reach

If ingested, these insect-repelling products can cause indigestion and even central nervous system damage. Inhalation of oils could lead to pneumonia.   

 The Fireworks Display May Not Be Fun for Your Pet

The noise could upset your pet, they will most likely be happier safely indoors.