Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios released the latest video for "Mortal Kombat X," which gives us an overview of the numerous features that can be experienced in the upcoming game. Additionally, viewers will get a behind-the-scenes look at Faction Wars as NetherRealm Studios team members discuss details of how this feature will connect "Mortal Kombat X" players around the world.

This is the first extended look I've had at the game (beyond what was shown on Conan's "Clueless Gamer" segment a week ago) and, I must say, NetherRealm really seems to be pulling out all the stops for this next-gen version of this venerable fighting game franchise. It's nice to see that gameplay variations and mode have evolved beyond the simple "show-more-gore" mentality...although the game does still seem plenty gory from what has been shown so far. The dynamic Living Towers and Faction War (invasion!) modes look like a blast to play and will add serious playtime (and value) to the title overall.

"Mortal Kombat X" will be hitting store shelves on April 4. Thanks to Eurogamer for the heads up.

Check out the extended trailer/mini-documentary below: