Former congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) proposed that Congress should censure President Barack Obama and his administration for their perceived shortcomings and lack of investigations in dealing with radical Islam.

West called upon Republicans earlier this year to use their new majority standing in Congress to demand answers about whether Obama is "on the side of liberty and freedom or the Islamic terrorists," Mediaite reported. Since then, the 53-year-old seems to have moved on to demanding that the Republican-controlled Congress censure Obama for being "an Islamist sympathizer."

"Whose side is President Obama on?" West asked Newsmax TV host Steve Malzberg on Friday. "Is he an Islamist sympathizer? I think that if there's one thing that the House and Senate can do, they need to bring up a resolution to censure the president for some of these actions."

Islamic radicals have apparently been given the green light by Obama to run free all over the world, according to West.

"This is what happens because weakness is enticing for your enemy," West said. "Let us go back and remember that even back in 2009, President Obama requested for the Muslim Brotherhood members to be front and center for his speech at a Cairo University in Egypt. So you know there comes a time when we really have to honestly say, you know, whose side is President Obama on?"

"Why do we have the Muslim Brotherhood in our State Department?" he continued. "Why does the president of the United States request for the Muslim Brotherhood to be there when he's giving a speech? Why is there all this support for Mohammed Morsi but none for General el-Sisi? Because he is standing up against the Muslim Brotherhood. What happened in Libya? Why did we need to dethrone Muammar Gaddafi and basically side with Islamist forces there? Why are delaying all these, you know, sanctions back on Iran. There have been three or four different times that they extended the negotiations."