Last night, orphaned puppies made an appearance on national TV in the 11th annual Puppy Bowl.

The puppies, who are almost all adoptable, played hard in the historical game. This was the second time a dog scored a field goal in Puppy Bowl history.

Besides a few moments where there appeared to be some personal fouls, the dogs on both teams fought hard to take home the Puppy Bowl XI champion title.

The game ended with The Ruffs beating The Fluffs, 87-49.

In case you missed it (or just want to see it again) here's some of the top Puppy Bowl moments:

1. A puppy named Bryan Adams (not to be confused with the country singer) completed the second field goal EVER in the Puppy Bowl.

2. This fluffy Iowa dog scoring his third touchdown.

3. The Fluff's Cara, who was adopted in Florida, being named the game's MVP over The Ruff's Henry and Falcor (who both scored 4 touchdowns apiece).

4. The miniature goat cheerleaders keeping all the pup's heads in the game.

5. And, of course, Kitty Purry rockin' it in the half time show!